Saturday, March 3, 2012

How Poker Stars Changed My Life Media Project !!!

Im starting a new media project that will inform everyone suffering the crysis how they can succeed without running off their country and how they can turn their potential into profit.Below ill write why Bulgaria
needs poker,freelancing and anything not realated to the country economics to survive.

The Project will include daily blogging,an  interview in a TV show with over 1,000,000 audiance ,Facebook page, and maybe a book in future
if i manage to gather money for publishing :)

First i would like to start with a little background of my country:
Bulgaria is a country with a great history , a long suffered beautiful country that continue to suffer from its 500 years of slavery on this day 3 march 1878 my country gained its freedome from Osman Empire.
After Bulgaria gained its freedome few wars tryed to bring it to the bottom and eventually disapear.
The bravery of my country mans saved it as it is.Then comuism fallowed after the WW II as part of the eastern block Bulgaria was in another slavery of communists.1989 the Berlin Wall was crushed down and the slavery was over.But what happens then ?
Democrate Politicians start skinning the country and this continues for another 23 years and here we are now.
An average salary of 200$ a month and about 34% unemployed young peoples in the age of 18-28 how do we make a living with that ? We cant.
Its a fact that food in here costs more then any european country the power costs same as other european countrys we pay the same bills but we recive more then 10 times less the money.
An enormous part of the peoples emigrate, another enormous part of the nation is living with the below minimum standart of living.And another tiny part is peoples who have control of 99% of the peoples money.

How can poker change our lifes?
The simple fact that with a little bit of reading, practice and motivation we can build our own strategy
and work it over to become a profitable players and turn the potential that we have into profit.
My first deposit was a small one it was about 10 Buy-ins into a micro stakes SnG tournaments.
I managed to turn this into 100$ in a single day !!! And this was awesome because i had to work 15 days as a construction worker and handle over 3 tons of materials a day to earn them.
Then my motivation overcame i felt that this is what i want to be doing.
Instead of feeling godlike i decided to improve myself and get to be even better player that i was.
Ive started reading books from some of the greatest poker minds in the world, started to analyze every single hand of mine and how did i go right or wrong in it.
After few months of playing with real money ive started to earn enough to cover my bills and have some spare money to actually live like a normal person wich is a great success in my country ;)
I was getting better everyday and still a miles away from the poker player that i want to be one day
Now without pushing myself too much i can easily make 200$ a week and thats an average month salary.
.I want to let everyone who has a potential of a poker player but never heard of it to know about it,
and how poker can make our days better, 34% of peoples of age 18-28 are unemployed this is about 2,000,000 peoples who are struggeling with life while they can put their spare time to become a great poker players one day.Not everyone will go for it but there will be a huge part of them who will be intrested :)

Im doing this without getting paid, i dont even have Ads in my blog im doing this because everyone deserves a better life.

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